Virudhunagar is one of the important business city located 48 Kms from Madurai City in the NH 7 towards Kanya Kumari with 1,25,000 population. People with in 10 Km radius has to come to this city for medical care . There are lot of medical practitioners who have only outpatient clinic and handful of doctors have inpatient clinic without operation theatre. So a large number of surgical, medical and trauma cases are referred to near by city for specialized treatment. With all the above deficiency in quality health care to the people in this area, we started our THIRUVENGDAM MULTI SPECIALITY HOSPITAL. We have everything under one roof – medical, surgical, trauma care and investigations. Our Hospital is a Multi Speciality center with an inpatient capacity in various categories. We have adequate water facility and the hospital itself is built in such away that there is proper ventilation and good atmosphere. A stand by generator is provided to have uninterrupted power supply round the clock in the event of power failure. This is backed up by UPS also.
We have round the clock Duty Medical officers and qualified staff nurses to attend emergency cases . Apart from the in patient beds our hospital has a fully equipped major operation theatre for major cases and a minor OT attached to the emergency room for minor cases and for resuscitation, post operation ward, Labour Room, three bedded intensive care unit, Ultra sound scan, 24 Hrs Pharmacy, 300M.A. X-Ray plant, computerized ECG, Semi auto analyzer attached laboratory, Tread Mill, Spirometry and Physiotherapy Department. We have a separate Casualty department to receive any emergency cases.
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